Is this (a)live? - Directed by Andrej Bogatinovski

As work appears as a part of the two-year catalog of the band ‘Vagina Corporation’, which exceeds the limits of a normal multimedia project. It is a blow to normal approaches and an attempt to break through the curtain of conventional music creation. The music audio-album and the 50-minute film represent a manifesto of the new wave of Macedonian music, and band’s call to the dance floor, where the eardrums will be pierced by sharp guitar tones and fast-kraut-americana-psychedelic rock for which the Vaginas are recognize.

Efterklang: The Makedonium Band - Directed by Andreas Johnsen

This documentary follows the band Efterklang as they embark on a journey to Skopje in North Macedonia, to form a new band and create a show to be performed in front of Makedonium - the freedom monument.

Te dua, I swear - Directed by Marjan Gavrilovski

A junkie, a gambler and an accordion player get involved with a mafia while on their way to return a bought Albanian girl back to her father.