This educational film course, or so-called film camp, at its base, is an educational project which lasts for two weeks and aims to encourage informal film education among young people from the country and the region.

The participants were divided into groups based on fields in the film industry. They created original short films under the mentorship of experienced film professionals and graduate experts in their respective film sectors. The program included masterclasses, lectures and practical work, which allowed participants to expand their knowledge, gain new experiences and develop professional contacts.

The film recording is different every time and facilitates learning and experimenting in a wide framework. In fact, every film project represents a new, complex challenge. Therefore, our goal was to create a space - this youth camp in particular, where the young participants would be direct recipients of education and opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. The final product was a personal piece of work through which they presented their creativity and competence. This way, not only was there opportunity to get acquainted with all aspects of film production, but they also successfully created finished products. As part of their portfolios, they are able to use these films when applying to academies and festivals.

The camp promotes critical thinking and creative reflection through dialogue, learning and practical use of the acquired education. The joining of participants from Macedonia, Greece and Albania created excellent opportunities for sharing international and interdisciplinary experiences, enriching the learning process. The main aim was to create short films – products of the educational process while developing the youth’s social and existential conciseness. The camp is considered to be a platform for strengthening youth development and represents a unique opportunity for creative and professional advancement.

The objectives of the film camp are divided into three categories: - educational - practical - promotional The first category involves creating a platform to promote film literacy and utilising film as an educational tool. This was achieved through a transparent call for participants, cooperation with film centres, faculties and festivals, as well as careful selection of the participants. The second category refers to the realization of the fourteen-day film camp, which includes logistical support for the participants, interactive lectures, master classes and practical work, guided by a predetermined agenda. The final part of the camp is creating short films which will be recognized as original work of the participants. The third category includes organizing public events where the films can be seen, as well as screening them in local communities and the Cinematheque of North Macedonia.

The project was envisioned to have broad goals, such as encouraging critical thinking, developing film literacy and raising awareness of important social issues. It successfully promoted cultural dialogue and enabled networking between young people and film professionals from the region. In such manner, it supported implementation of film education in formal and non-formal education. Through practical work and film screenings, this project inspired curiosity and creativity among youngsters, emphasising the applicability of film in education and encouraging the participants to embark on exploring their professional interests.